Friday, August 27, 2010

Learn Ballet: The Barre in my Pocket No. 2 Free sample Live music in the class, all exercises are explained by the teacher and then performed both right and left with the music and the dancer. No rewinding or zapping back necessary! Your teacher in this class is Ingve Groven And your example danser is Young na Hyun Contents: Live music in all the class, exercises are explained by the teacher and then performed both right and left with the music and Young na Hyun together. No rewinding necessary! 1.Plié 2. Slow battement tendu from 1st 3. Slow battement tendu from 5th 4.Battement tendu from 5th 5. Battement dégagé/jeté 6. Rond de jambe par terre 7. Fondu 8. Frappé 9. Adagio 10. Grand battement

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