Saturday, July 3, 2010

Vibrant Samba Dance Costumes

Couples will need samba dance costumes when grooving to samba music with a step count of eight. The samba dance originates from Brazil and the rest of the world enjoys it as a celebration dance full of passion and steam. It is mostly a carnival dance and sometimes performed at dance circuit competitions. Although there are different styles of the samba dance, the costumes remain the same in all samba dances.

Costumes for samba dancers are popular for being very striking, sexy and practical suiting perfectly the occasion and the dancing. It does not matter if the dancer is a beginner or a professional; they must have the correct samba dance costumes that are available in different shapes and sizes. The different samba costumes range from Halloween costumes, flamboyant costumes for women who love to dress up and stylish costumes for several holidays or functions, which necessitate costume attires.

The samba dance was born in Brazil approximately in the 19th century that includes several movements and dances. This dance involves, rhythmic movements which lively and popular in all Brazilian carnival, samba competition and parades.

There is a wide range of samba dance styles and types for instance:

• Samba no pe: This style of samba requires keeping a straight body, while moving the legs rhythmic to the samba music tunes and it is very simple to perform.

• Samba de Gafiera: This is one of the highly complicated samba movement, which involves complex acrobatic stunts and following a high tempo music beat.

• Samba Pagode: This is similar to Gafieira samba with very minuet changes.

• Samba Axe: it is a samba dance needing a lot of energy and the pace depends on the lyrics and music tempo.

• Samba-rock: Similar in some ways to the Cuban salsa, more calm, needs less energy and famous in the nightclubs.

• Samba de roda: A customary and classic samba type involving dancing to simple local instruments, singing, and music-tune clapping.

Brief facts on Samba Dance Costumes
To match up the high tempo, thrilling and energy of the samba dance, the samba dance costumes must display the same versatility as the dance. Samba attires usually do not cover the dancer’s arms, shoulders, chest and legs. Samba costumes have such designs because it helps the dancer’s body to avoid overheating, while complementing the theatrical and powerful Brazilian carnival dance and specific occasion.

Radiant and bold colors are the trademark of most samba costumes. Additional accents and flourishing materials are an important part of the costume, and can comprise of rhinestones, glitter, beads or artificial jewels, metallic sparkles, floral accessorizes, feathers and a fringe. Samba dance costume designs are unique, hard to imitate and that is why the designers of these costumes have gained respect for their work of art.

Samba dance costume designs
These costumes should be able to attract attention just like the samba dance. Samba costume designs and styles differ. The various costume styles include:

  • Bikini-designed Samba costumes
  • A joint attachment of a bikini and skirt costume
  • Very long skirt and a bra top in a samba dance fashion
  • There are samba styled tops and trousers.

More items included in the costumes of samba dancers include:

  • High and complex head pieces
  • Backside pieces
  • Arm accessories and gloves
  • Accents for the lower part of the leg
  • Neck accessories
  • Boas
  • High-heeled shoes that match Samba dance costumes.

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