Wednesday, June 23, 2010


1. Walking in-line, in the tango embrace.
2. Simple navigation around the floor [repeated with each subsequent figure].
3. Walking in-line, with stops and weight changes [steps] in place.
4. Walking in-line, with rock-steps.
5. Side-step [left for men], walk outside partner [right side] and back in-line.

Side-step [left for men], walk outside partner to ladies cross [Cruzada].

7.* Ditto, ending with the Resolution.

Front Ocho from the Cruzada.


Back Ocho from man's left foot side-step.

10. Simple Giro [turn] to right from Cruzada.
11. Simple Giro to left from walk outside partner [right side].
12. Use of the 'pivot' to change easily between Front Ochos and Back Ochos.

Exercises will be taught for Walking, Front and Back Ochos and Giros to right and left. Students will be expected to practice these exercises between classes.

With the addition of a back-step at the beginning or the end, Figure 7.* is commonly known as 'The 8-Step Tango Basic'. This figure is a useful teaching tool as it provides a framework within which the remaining figures, at beginner level, can be danced. As a student gains experience, this figure will be used less and less.

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